How to Get Away With Murder Season 2 Episode 8
I have a crazy obsession with TV shows. I have X amounts of free time now that I've finished school. So I decided the best thing to do in sharing my wisdom and crazy theories is through this blog. I hope you enjoy.
let's talk about this episode.
You have to have watched it bc this is spoiler zone
I want this to be more of a discussion space than a review
Here's what we know
- Future
- Annalise got shot (Duh) but she's still alive
- Catherine is not dead (but frank chucked her in the forrest as you do when you believe someone is dead)
- That stupid bitch that everyone hates and no one cares to remember her name prosecution lawyer is actually dead (hopefully does not become a zombie)
- Bonnie is a shady psychopath (ok maybe)
- Nate is part of it
- Asher is in it this time too
- This whole shindig goes down at the Hapstall Mansion
- Past
- Philip is the product of the incestuous relationship of late Mr Hapstall and his sister (gross poor kid aw)
- Annalise got the charges dropped because that asshole gets shit done
- Philip claims he has nothing to do with anything yet decides to be a shit and blackmail Annalise for wait what was it? oH NothiNG1!!!
- Caleb found a gun (AFTER he sexed up Michaela... seriously dude, he needed to get it out of his pants when he knew that the case wasn't over yet)
- Wes discovered one of Catherine's paintings in a photo of Philip THUS
- Philip and Catherine are working together *Gasp they know each other!!
- Also freaky sex scene of like all the current couples + Nate and Annalise WHICH I DO NOT APPROVE OF AFTER ALL SHE DID NATE WHY
NOW let's see.
This episode was the first episode in the season that gave me the true HTGAWM feels, it was as if I was thrown back to last season where things were happening left and right and it was scandalous and shocking and the Shonda we have all grown to love (and hate).
I love love LOVED Connor in this episode from his straight jokes to his possessiveness of Oliver. Speaking of Oliver, I'm actually kind of worried about him (like Connor is) getting invested in Annalise and co's business. Like I think it was better when Connor was the messenger almost actually literally protecting Oliver. This time, he was really part of the group and I think he'd be like a Frank 2.0 for her - you know, not a lawyer but someone to do the dirty work, but the shy, gay version instead of the creepy yet hot, hitman, connections everywhere playyya.
Then there's Nate. Why does he feel the need to use Annalise for sex? His wife's death seemed to have destabilized his mental health while before his sexual relationship with Annalise was lust and now it's more like possessive, hate sex and frankly, I don't like their relationship at all. If I were Nate, I'd move somewhere far far away from Annalise. She's his poison but he keeps coming back for more. He's irrevocably in love with her, helping out with the case claiming he's 'a part of it' but really, he doesn't need to be, he just needs something to do as he's still in mourning and Annalise is his drug of choice.
Back to last episode where Bonnie finally cracks it Annalise I wanted to hug her. I know it seems I'm biased because I don't like Annalise, but I respect her moxy (I guess the word I'm looking for) HOWEVER I'm just glad that someone finally hit her where it hurts and I feel like it was more harmful than when her mother had a go at her. Annalise was Bonnie's hero (if you'd call it that) and Annalise treated her like dirt because she could. BUT Annalise exposed her secret to the man she loves and he took pity on her. No wonder Bonnie lost all trust but then again, Annalise will do WHATEVER it takes to get her way - and to protect Wes - AND can we talk about her creepy mother/son weird thing she has for Wes. At first I thought she was in love with him and it was a fetish but then after after last episode when she says 'it's him' I was like 'HIM WHAT?!??! SoN! Annalise HAS A kid? AND it's WES?!? or maybe he's 'the ONE' as in her real protégé. (ANNNYYYWAY)
The shot of Bonnie in fetal position in the shower shrinks her into that child she once was and I'm guessing she feels just as violated as she did when she was back then.
Btw Asher's insticts in figuring out there's a bug and finding the bug in the pen I was like DAYUMMM go ASHER and when he started dancing classic Matt McGory
ANd that acting scene when they pretended that there was a gun omfg that whole thing was hilarious and seeing the look on Sinclair's face lmao ahhahaHAhH.
Also, can we talk about Michaela I am really liking her lately, she's been doing really well and now she's hooking up with Caleb, you know what GOOD FOR HER, she's been through heaps of shit and now she's finally getting somewhere. Cudos. Just wanted to mention it.
The incest thing but - jeez SHonda has no chill. 21st Century is seeing trans and gay and bi people everywhere in the media because they exist and inbred people also unfortunately exist so I guess it just all adds to the reality of it all - well, if HTGAWM was reality. But I feel the show really does fit in with society - 'BYE FELICIA' for example AHAHA I need a full version of that video! (I'm getting off track but was that even a thing when Asher was in college? soz I'm being technical, I do that)
The sex scene tho of like everyone having sex at once. I'm a Flaurel shipper sooo I was happy that they weren't at each other's throat but it is kind of hot when they fight calling each other 'map' and 'mansplain'. Also, I don't usually look at girls but Michaela's boobs wow and HOW MANY ABS DOES NATE HAVE FML.
But srs leave it to the last minute for Wes to figure everything out paying attention to detail and Philip being a lying soab as well as Catherine. Like OBVIOUSLY did they never think to think that maybe one of the Hapstalls did it and not both... well guess two Hapstalls did it 😜
Anyway that's all for this episode. The next one is in a couple of days so WATCH OUT I'm excited to see it and I haven't been this excited about HTGAWM since season 1 so turn up wwoo!
PS. someone makes these each week and they're hilarious!
They're basically screen caps with funny quotes with what everyone is REALLY thinking.
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